Fort Wayne Photographers Club
About Us


Workshops are intended to be the educational facet of the club. Presenters may be local professional photographers, printers, photography shop owners, or a club member with specific expertise in photographic hardware or software. In general, presenters have specific knowledge related to the photographic arts.

Most workshops last for 1½ to 2 hours and are usually held the third Tuesday of each month during the club season. See the Calendar for details.

Another form of workshop is “critique night”, where club members present photos and have others critique thier images. Critique nights are intended to be constructive - by hearing what others like/dislike about their images in a friendly atmosphere, photographers learn how their images might be improved. The Fort Wayne region has many people with talent and expertise who are willing to share their knowledge and help educate others.


Outings for the Fort Wayne Photographers Club take on many aspects. Usually held off-site, examples of recent outings have included the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, City and County Parks, Acres Inc properties, the Allen County Courthouse, Black Pine Animal Sanctuary, and the Brookside Mansion on the campus of the University of Saint Francis.

Workshops and outings are great educational experiences!
